Wing Lounge Chair
Cell Coffee Table
ZigZig Chair
LightSpeaker Lamp
Dice Coffee Table
Bongo Lounge Table
Kristall Chandelier
Topografi Seating
Cyma Coffe Table
Maxelle Chair
Rick Sofa

ZIGZIG Chair. This unique chair has no beginning and no end. The design concept is the same as when you write a complete sentence without lifting the pen – in a circle! This serpent inspired lounge chair almost forces the spectator to examine it closely. And despite it’s abstract look, it’s quite comfortable. The strong aluminum alloy frame and a thick layer of supporting foam, it perfectly balances the weight of anyone who dares. Using a new technology (Swiss deep fl ocking) we spray a soft velvet surface directly on to the foam, leaving the upholstery seamless. Design: Michael Malmborg, I/IDSA

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